City of Louisville

The City of Louisville has often been recognized for its livability. Most recently, Money Magazine named Louisville #1 in 2009, and then in an unprecedented action again named Louisville #1 in its 2011 “Best Place to Live” issue. Many things contribute to this exemplary quality of life and positive economic condition including 1,700 acres of open space, dozens of great eateries, a thriving arts scene, great schools, wonderful neighborhoods and a diverse mix of employment opportunities. As the Money article noted, “Add in dry, clear weather, little crime, good health care, low taxes, and Louisville is pretty tough to beat.”

Open Positions at City of Louisville

Director of Cultural Services

The Director of Cultural Services has the principal responsibility of planning, coordinating, and leading overall operations at the Louisville Public Library, Cultural Arts, Special Events, and the Historical Museum. This includes oversight of the Library and Museum’s full-service programs, services, and collections; public art programs; and community-wide special events including the City's 4th of July celebrations and Labor Day Parade.

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