
The specific purpose of this position is to review, investigate, and prepare an advisory memorandum for uncontested proceeding; and review, investigate, issue audit and discovery, prepare written testimony, and defend staff recommendation in hearing in formal litigated proceedings where the well-being, health, and safety of the environment an public may be at issue.


The Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) serves the public interest by effectively regulating utilities and facilities so that the people of Colorado receive safe, reliable, and reasonably priced services consistent with the economic, environmental, and social values of our state.
The Energy Section work unit generally exists to provide professional analysis, technical and policy testimony, and/or advice and recommendations on engineering, economic, financial, and operational matters. The Engineers Section is made up of professionals with engineering or other technical/analytic credentials. The section is at times supplemented by outside engineering or technical experts. The unit functions as a team to challenge, develop, present, and recommend complex engineering, financial and legal approaches in utility regulation. The team functions both in formal legal proceedings and informal negotiations and contacts with regulated companies. In performing these functions, the work unit must balance the need for financially healthy utilities with the needs of the consumers to receive safe, reliable utility service at reasonable rates. An increasingly important function of the work unit is to assist in the evolution of new regulatory structures in the face of the new business environment brought about by: increased focus on consumer protection; emerging technologies and increasing competition in many areas of utility operations; and emerging environmental regulations; and related costs of traditional utility services.

Position: SGA 5178

The primary purpose of this position is to fulfill the statutory duties of C.R.S., § 40-2-104, “the director of the Commission may appoint such experts, engineers, statisticians, accountants, investigative personnel, clerks, and other employees as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this [Title 40].”
The specific purpose of this position is to review, investigate, and prepare an advisory memorandum for uncontested proceedings; and review, investigate, issue audit and discovery, prepare written testimony, and defend staff recommendations in hearing in formal litigated proceedings where the well-being, health, and safety of the environment and public may be at issue. The proceedings may include electric distribution plans, electric demand-side management plans, and plans for transportation or beneficial electrification.

Duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Evaluating projected performance, technology risks, costs, and compliance with Colorado Revised Statutes and Commission rules;
  • Reviewing and preparing complex spreadsheet analyses for cost recovery of: renewable energy plans; demand-side management plans; and clean heat plans;
  • Participating as Commission trial staff in contested proceedings where customer-sited renewable generation is a consideration or in demand-side management proceedings where clean heat plans are a consideration;
  • Managing assigned work activities when assigned as a member of a multi-discipline rule making team by effectively planning, organizing, and completing assigned responsibilities;
  • Advising the Commissioners on non-adjudicated or uncontested matters where customer-sited solar generation is atissue or where a clean heat plan is at issue;
  • Developing objectives, schedules, and draft rules consistent with Commission directives.
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