Older job seekers: challenges and issues – advantages and opportunities

Older job seekers face unique challenges and issues but also have tremendous advantages and opportunities. Many older job seekers have left the work force in upper mid-senior level positions and with it, the higher salaries and benefits that come with those positions. The fact is that there are fewer mid-senior level management positions available and […]

Job Doctor: One recruiter’s five-step plan for job seekers to get noticed

Dear Job Doctor: I’ve sent my resume in response to dozens of job postings but am not getting calls back.  What am I doing wrong? Going Bonkers in Denver Dear GBID: This is a very common problem – probably the biggest frustration I hear from job seekers. What are things that will get your resume noticed […]

“How do you feel about a monkey in the office?” The worst job interview questions ever

Today’s  job seekers try to prepare for everything. They diligently research the background of companies to try to match their specific talents, experiences and expertise with what is required in the job posting.  They spend long hours customizing their resumes and cover letters.   They have incredible patience and perseverance, waiting by the phone and willing […]

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