Job Seeking Routines Can Help you Achieve your Job Seeking Goal

For many professionals, changing jobs or careers is a daunting task. It takes time. There’s risk involved. There’s definitely some common rejection. And there’s a lot of unknowns that drive you crazy (Did they get my resume? Why didn’t I get the job? Will the see me as too old? Over-qualified? Asking for too much?) […]

Job Seeker’s Challenge: Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone Through Networking

Let’s state the obvious:  job seeking is tough. But here’s something you won’t hear often from someone who makes his living posting jobs on a job board:  Online job boards give you a false sense of hope.  What I mean is that it is easy to become too reliant on job boards as your only […]

Yep. You have to network.

As much as I love skiing, I also love riding the chair lift. I’m a natural networker and the chair lift is a great place to network. Unlike a long airplane ride, on a chair lift, people are more willing to open up and talk to you. You have a fun, shared experience (skiing) and […]

Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone Through Networking

Let’s state the obvious: job seeking is tough. But here’s something you won’t hear often from someone who makes his living posting jobs on a job board: Online job boards give you a false sense of hope. What I mean is that it is easy to become too reliant on job boards as your only […]

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