What an employer is thinking: the most important job interview questions that will never be asked.

In a recent New York Times profile, a respected CEO was asked, “How do you interview job candidates?” His response? “I have two basic questions in mind: Can you do the job and would I enjoy spending time with you?” It’s a revealing statement but really not that surprising. When you are in the interview […]

Job Interview Techniques: Bridging Statements

Let’s face it:  the job search process seems a little silly. Your resume is supposed to spell out your years of experience, expertise and accomplishments using a dozen-or-so short, bulleted synopsis with the hope that someone ‘gets you’ and sees that your background, above everyone else, is the right fit for the position. Now, saying […]

For job seekers, modesty is over-rated but confidence never goes out of style.

I was in the park with my young kids the other day and heard a conversation between a child, his mother and one of his mom’s friends. “David, how have you been?” “I’ve been great!  I play baseball now!” “How’s that going?” “Terrific!  In my last game, I had three hits and a homerun!  I […]

Touch Points.

One of the most common strategies in successful branding is to develop a believable brand promise that creates a positive perception about a product in the eyes of the targeted audience the product seeks to influence. Through that perception, the brand will trigger a response from the targeted audience, which, if successful, will initiate a […]

What we wish we knew at graduation…10 pieces of advice to college grads

It’s college graduation season and as a result, there’s a lot of new entry-level job seekers entering the job search market right now. When I graduated from the University of Colorado in 1989, I saw the President of the University of Colorado at my graduation and walked up to him.  “President Gee,” I said.  “What’s […]

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