How To Look For A Job While You Are Currently Employed

According to different surveys over the years, approximately 70% of visitors to Andrew Hudson’s Jobs List are currently employed. Yep….you heard that right: 7 out of 10 professionals looking for a job are currently employed. This actually makes sense. Throughout a career, most ambitious professionals are always considering the next step in their career progression. […]

The Ideal Candidate: How to Search for Clues in the Job Description

Understanding from the employer’s perspective what the ‘ideal candidate’ looks like requires searching for the secret ‘codes’ that employers embed in job postings.  It also requires digging deep and searching for clues above and beyond the obvious and well-defined job requirements.  Finding and understanding these clues then allows you to focus your efforts to specifically target […]

Yep.  You need a cover letter.

The jobs you see on are real.  Companies are actively searching for professionals to fill these positions and are anxiously awaiting resumes and cover letters to find the best candidates for these jobs. Cover letters are one of the best opportunities for you to differentiate yourself and in fact, a well written cover letter […]

Job Seeking: Myth vs. Reality

You tend to get a lot of advice about the best way to look for a job. While all well-intentioned, often the advice you get is simply wrong. It might be based on someone’s experience from many years ago or it might be the result of something someone heard from someone else. As someone who […]

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