HR Professionals:  Lots of Transferable Skills, Lots of Career Opportunities

Even HR professionals have to look for a job eventually.   Here at AH Jobs List, I am happy to have a robust listing of HR related jobs which can be found by clicking here.In my career consulting practice, I’ve also worked closely with HR professionals as they navigate their way through their job search.   Some people […]

Jobs in the New Gig Economy, Part One

Introducing the ‘Gig Economy’ In the past couple of years, you may have read about the ‘Gig Economy.’ The Gig Economy is defined as a labor market characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs. Many people are enjoying careers as ‘gig’ employees as opposed to working in […]

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of……Misery???

Can you imagine if at all times, we acted in such a way that was always in our best interests? We’d have enough self discipline to only eat food that was good for us, we’d never make ‘impulse’ purchases, we’d make sure we exercised 30 minutes per-day, we’d make sure to save for retirement, we’d […]

Managing Your Career is a Lifelong Journey of Learning, Risk Taking and Discovery

Early in my career, I worked for elected officials. From a career perspective, I always knew that their terms in office would eventually expire and as a result, it forced me to constantly think about my next move: what I wanted to do and how to plan the next chapter in my career journey. But […]

Why Hire a Résumé Writer?

Ruth Pankratz is a professionally trained, certified résumé writer.  She  writes, coaches, and presents on résumé writing, career advancement, networking, leadership, career transition, job search, interviewing preparation, and personal branding.   Partnering with clients to enhance their brand she has created thousands of résumés and career documents for technical professionals, managers, and executives. She holds an […]

A Mid-Life Career Crisis: Time to Reinvent?

A typical career trajectory goes like this: Your ‘20s is your ‘pay-your-dues’ decade. In other words, you learn about yourself as a professional. You start to discover that thing you are really good at and your career path starts to take off.  In your ‘20s you are allowed to take some professional risks. You can afford to […]

In Job Seeking, the Confident, Authentic You is the Big Picture

In my 20 years of working with job seekers, I’ve heard these common frustrations:“Andrew, I applied for the perfect job and I didn’t hear back!”“Andrew, I was a finalist but didn’t get the job and they won’t tell me why!”“Andrew, I’ve sent 20 resumes to different companies and only heard back from 3 of the […]

New Boss? Dealing with Disruption at Work

So. Your favorite boss was recruited to work somewhere else. Next thing you know, there’s a new Sheriff in town and you know next to nothing about this person except that they’re different and your world seems turned upside down! They do things different. Their personality is not the same. They don’t seem as approachable! […]

Job Seeking Routines Can Help you Achieve your Job Seeking Goal

For many professionals, changing jobs or careers is a daunting task. It takes time. There’s risk involved. There’s definitely some common rejection. And there’s a lot of unknowns that drive you crazy (Did they get my resume? Why didn’t I get the job? Will the see me as too old? Over-qualified? Asking for too much?) […]

Internships: Pathways to Careers

Internships are perhaps one of the most important ways for college students to jump start their careers. They are great introductions to the cultures, the personalities, the hierarchies and the normal politics and the pressures of everyday work life. They are also important resume builders for recent college graduates. As a matter of fact, in […]

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