The Best Job Search Tips Ever…a Comprehensive List

Over the past several years,  I’ve collected a lot of advice and opinions from HR recruiters and from job seekers about what is the best way to go about looking for a new job. Below is the most updated list of great job seeking tips.  Be forewarned – this is an exhaustive (read: long) list […]

Six tips from successful professionals on how to manage your career

I meet regularly with people who are looking for work.  I’ve met with hundreds of professionals who are either entry level job seekers or mid-level managers who are looking to progress their careers to the next level.   I meet with senior VPs who are unsatisfied with their jobs or are looking to transition to other […]

Keys to Reinvention

I’m an example of a ‘reinvention’!   I spent the majority of my 20-year career in the marketing and communications profession.  But 10 years ago, I began PR Jobs List, a weekly email that provided job listings in Denver to a couple hundred public relations professionals.  A simple e-mail blast, this free service helped top PR […]

Has it become easier or more difficult to find a job?

Economic analysts recently told us that our battered economy continues to experience massive job losses in practically every sector.   But here on the front lines of the job search world, I’m seeing more and more good jobs being posted by successful and growing companies and more and more job seekers getting hired. What do you […]

Entrepreneur or at-home-parent who has been out of the ‘traditional’ workforce for a while? Here’s how to show you still have relevant skills

Here’s a great blog that was written to help entrepreneurs who are trying to get back into the traditional workforce. The premise of 11 Skills Learned From Running a Small Business That Will Improve Your Resume is the age-old fears of not being able to prove you’ve done anything of concrete value while building your […]

Survey: online social networking gaining strength for both recruiters and job seekers

Here’s an interesting article from Business Week discussing a recent survey testing the power of online social networking in looking for a job.  Most interesting is that recruiters, more than ever,  are searching and finding new talent through Twitter/Facebook and LinkedIn.   This has been a developing trend for HR recruiters over the past couple of […]

Job Seeking Frustrations from Both Sides of the Fence

I have two requests this morning. 1.) Note to employers. The number one frustration from job seekers is not hearing back from employers after they’ve applied for a job. Job seekers are pouring their hearts and souls into their resumes and cover letters to prove to you that they are worthy of the jobs you […]

Hate your job? Commit to the Quit!

Since yesterday’s blog about people quitting their jobs,  I’ve received a lot of emails from folks who clearly want to quit, but don’t know how.  In other words, they hate their jobs, but feel trapped and as if they don’t have any power over their situation.  They have bills and need the money, they are […]

More people are quitting than being laid off

A new Associated Press story notes that more people quit their jobs in the past three months than were laid off and the government says professionals have newfound confidence; proof of more hiring and a strengthening national economy. From my research and interviews with professionals, the main reason for quitting is employees being tied to […]

Move Over Monster, There’s A New Kid On The Block

Guest Blog by Brad Friedman Are you looking for your first job, changing careers, or do you just want to set yourself up to succeed in the future?  Today’s world is no longer a world where Monster and HotJobs are the only place to go to find work. Social media websites have become important venues […]

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