USA Ultimate

USA Ultimate is a member of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC) and serves as the official national governing body for the sport of ultimate in the United States. USA Ultimate is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit membership organization with its national headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colo. Founded in 1979 as the Ultimate Players Association, USA Ultimate is the largest flying disc organization in the world with more than 60,000 members, including athletes, coaches, observers and league and event organizers.

Open Positions at USA Ultimate

Chief Executive Officer

We are seeking a new CEO to continue to lead the explosive growth of the sport.  By connecting with, strengthening, and building new local and state-based organizations, the CEO and staff will continue to organize incredible events for all our members including our college and adult clubs and build upon the footprint of excitement, enjoyment at the recreational level and improve upon our internationally high performing members of our US Teams.

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