I have two requests this morning.

1.) Note to employers. The number one frustration from job seekers is not hearing back from employers after they’ve applied for a job.

Job seekers are pouring their hearts and souls into their resumes and cover letters to prove to you that they are worthy of the jobs you have posted.  Please, please, please give them the decency of a response.

Employers should consider a simple automated email response that says something like “We received your resume and thanks for applying.  All resumes are being considered and if you don’t hear from us by (insert date here) we have moved on in the hiring process, but sincerely appreciate your interest in our company.”

Think about it.

The job seeker will send in their resume/coverletter/application and then wait to hear back.  “Hmmm,” they’ll think.  “I wonder if they got my resume.  I sent it last week.  Maybe I should resend it.  Well then that might make me look desperate.  Hmmmm….I’ll call and check.  But the job posting said “No Calls.”  And on and on and on….

A simple response as suggested above is all a job seeker needs.  So even if they didn’t get the job, they at least know that they can move on.  And think about it – it makes your life easier too as dozens of job seekers will not have to call or email asking if you got their resume and where they are in the process.

At the very least, you won’t have hundreds of job seekers bad mouthing your company because of your lack of this simple courtesy.

2.) Note to all job seekers. The number one frustration I hear from employers is receiving resumes from job seekers applying for jobs that don’t posses the prerequisite experience.

Employers are doing everything they can to outline the specific qualifications and criteria for each position they are posting.  Please don’t apply if your background, skills, years of experience or other required qualifications don’t match the job posting. Don’t waste your time, don’t waste the employers time and don’t mess up the chances for others who are qualified.

The reality is that if you don’t have the experience outlined in the job posting, you won’t be considered and your resume is simply gumming up the works for the truly qualified applicant.

If the job posting says “college degree required” don’t send in a resume without a college degree.  If the job posting says “7-12 years experience” and you only have 4 years experience, don’t apply!  If the job says managerial or supervisory background required and you don’t have that experience, don’t respond.

You won’t get the job.  You’ll get frustrated.  You’ll wonder why.  Only apply to the jobs you are qualified for.

Yes, someone will write me and let me know about a friend of theirs who, without the right experience, applied to a job anyway, got an interview and blew everyone away and the company hired them and they eventually became the CEO and now drinks cocktails with Bill Gates.

That does not happen very often in real life.   Seriously.  Apply to the jobs where you have a real chance of being hired.

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