Your Greatest Strength? The Authentic You.

I was talking to a job seeker the other day who was preparing for a job interview. “I’m looking at the job description and trying to figure out who I should be,” he said. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Well, the person they are looking for has to have a skills match, but they […]

Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone Through Networking

Let’s state the obvious: job seeking is tough. But here’s something you won’t hear often from someone who makes his living posting jobs on a job board: Online job boards give you a false sense of hope. What I mean is that it is easy to become too reliant on job boards as your only […]

Job Seeking: Myth vs. Reality

You tend to get a lot of advice about the best way to look for a job. While all well-intentioned, often the advice you get is simply wrong. It might be based on someone’s experience from many years ago or it might be the result of something someone heard from someone else. As someone who […]

20 Minutes a Day to Jumpstart Your Job Search

Now is the time of year when many people start thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. For those whose resolution is to make a career change, now is also the best time to start preparing for the job search. Of course, looking for a new job can be daunting. Job seeking is one of the most […]

Confidence. The one nonnegotiable quality of successful job seekers.

It happened again. I was talking to a job seeker last week and the conversation went something like this: “So, can you tell me the types of challenges you are having with your job search?” “Well, I’m not sure if my resume is any good.  Many of the jobs I apply to, I feel over […]

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