No, You Are Not an Imposter (Even Though it Feels Like it Sometimes)

Impostor syndrome is real and it happens to us all to some degree.  I remember times in my life where I held positions of great responsibility.  For 8 years, I was the Head of Communications for the Mayor of Denver.  I’d built my career as a an expert public relations professional.  The Mayor clearly believed […]

It’s Time to Rid the Voices That Are Limiting Your Ambitions

Has anyone ever planted a seed in your brain that has convinced you that you are incapable of achieving something great?  It might have been a throwaway comment long ago from a parent or a teacher.  Or it might have been a recent boss, a colleague or even a spouse who told you your idea was […]

Job seeking is hard: here’s a few strategies to keep you on track

Let it be said. Job seeking is difficult. It’s easy to be overwhelmed with feelings of despair and frustration. It’s a constant challenge to not second guess yourself and maintain your confidence when your thoughts are hijacked by those self-loathing voices that creep into your head from time-to-time. As a job seeker, you need to […]

101 Motivational Quotes to Inspire Your 2017 Job Seeking Journey

I love motiviational quotes and a couple of years ago an author from Inc. Magazine compiled these wonderful quotes from a variety of inspirational sources. As you begin your job-seeking/career journey in 2017, I think you’ll find great wisdom in these inspirational words. “Walk away from anything or anyone who takes away from your joy. […]

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