So, Can You Tell Me About Yourself?

One of the most predictable but most difficult questions for job candidates to answer in a job interview is “Can you tell me about yourself?”  It’s a question that strikes fear into the hearts of job seekers everywhere. Why? Because we are taught throughout our lives to be humble.  We are taught from an early age […]

So You Got an Interview! Now What? Read This First.

Getting an interview can be an adrenaline-inducing experience! You’ve impressed someone with your resume, and now, its time to impress with your wit and charm and persuade them why you are the best candidate worthy of a job offer. So how do you prepare for an interview? What can you do in advance of, during […]

What an employer is thinking: the most important job interview questions that will never be asked.

In a recent New York Times profile, a respected CEO was asked, “How do you interview job candidates?” His response? “I have two basic questions in mind: Can you do the job and would I enjoy spending time with you?” It’s a revealing statement but really not that surprising. When you are in the interview […]

Questions to Ask During a Job Interview

Towards the end of a job interview, the interviewer will typically ask you if you have any questions to ask about the job you are applying for or the company itself. Considering that you are about to make a decision to commit yourself and your skills to an organization, you should be prepared to interview […]

The Salary Question

Andrew: The one area of the job search that aggravates me more than any other is the question relating to salary. I see job postings that require me to put a salary history or a salary expectation and I immediately start to think that if I put what I really think I’m worth, I won’t […]

Job Interview Techniques: Bridging Statements

Let’s face it:  the job search process seems a little silly. Your resume is supposed to spell out your years of experience, expertise and accomplishments using a dozen-or-so short, bulleted synopsis with the hope that someone ‘gets you’ and sees that your background, above everyone else, is the right fit for the position. Now, saying […]

Older job seekers: challenges and issues – advantages and opportunities

Older job seekers face unique challenges and issues but also have tremendous advantages and opportunities. Many older job seekers have left the work force in upper mid-senior level positions and with it, the higher salaries and benefits that come with those positions. The fact is that there are fewer mid-senior level management positions available and […]

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