Illegal Job Interview Questions: What’s the Worst Question You’ve Been Asked?

As if job interviews aren’t tough enough already! My friend Gloria Neal at Channel 4 posted a great blog that addresses the types of questions that are not only inappropriate for an employer to ask during a job interview, but are ILLEGAL to ask.  Click here to read Gloria’s blog that lists illegal questions. Of […]

Job seekers: Words from a champion about confidence

“It’s true what they say about winning being a habit. Once you open up that Pandora’s box of doubt, all kinds of nasty things come flying out.  I can’t stress how important it is to train yourself to seek clarity at moments of doubt.  You have to stay calm and have complete faith your abilities.  […]

Every problem, handled correctly, brings opportunity

I was at the dog park the other day with my 10-month-old baby daughter, my 10-year-old stepson, his 10-year-old friend and our dog Jaco. It was late on a beautiful Fall afternoon and we were enjoying ourselves.  The dog was chasing his friends, the boys were playing catch with the dogs and I was holding […]

How to leave your job gracefully

Many future careers have been decided by how one responds to leaving a job: whether you’ve decided to quit, you’ve been laid off or fired. Think about it: you might be mad, upset or frustrated when you walk in to your boss’ office to quit or you might feel a great injustice has been committed […]

Effective strategies to bust through common job-seeking road blocks

Special note: On November 11, 2010, Andrew Hudson’s Jobs List will host its annual “JobsGobble: Secrets of the Successful Job Seekers” a  networking and job seeking seminar. This year, life coach and job seeking consultant Linda Sollars ( and Andrew Hudson will lead a panel of successful job seekers who will discuss their job seeking […]

Hey Job Seekers! Colorado Biz lists top 250 Public Companies in Colorado

Hey job seekers – Colorado Biz Magazine has produced its annual list of the 250 top public companies in Colorado. These types of lists are invaluable for job seekers. Consider it as sort of a road map in navigating your way through wide variety of companies and industries throughout the state.  Use a highlighter to […]

The Case for Older Job Seekers

I receive many notes from older job seekers who are having a particularly tough time finding gainful employment after being laid off and feel that they are being discriminated against. One reader wrote me and said, “I will be fifty-nine in October, worked professionally in advertising, media and media production for forty years or so […]

Secrets of the Successful Job Seekers

There’s a professional skydiver who is going up in a plane for his 1,000th jump. He’s feeling good.  He’s an expert and has done this many times before.   It’s a clear day with a gentle breeze – perfect for jumping out of a plane. The plane gets to maximum altitude and the skydiver steps […]

Great tips for killer resumes

Here’s a really good and succinct list of resume tips put together by Mike Faber. With so much job seeking advice floating around, I try not to direct folks to redundant, re-hashed lists of the do’s and don’ts of searching for a job.  But Mike’s list really captures the most common questions from job seekers […]

Become Part of the Greater Good!

People, planet, profit. The future of business (not to mention tremendous profit potential) belongs to the companies that commit to sustainable development. The Greater Good Academy is an 8-week business development course to train low- and moderate-income entrepreneurs in Denver how to incorporate triple bottom line (3BL) business practices of economic prosperity, environmental stewardship and […]

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