Is Your Job Posting Gender Neutral?

Does the language in your job posting reflect an unintentional gender bias?  If so, you could be steering qualified candidates away from  applying for your job. A recent article in the New York Times outlined how men shy away from what are considered traditionally women’s health care jobs (home health nurse, occupational therapist, nurses, etc.) […]

Top Reasons Candidates Turn Down Job Offers

He met her online.  They talked over the phone.  They texted, emailed, learned about each other!  She liked sushi but he was steak guy but they both loved the Broncos and waffles!  A coffee date was followed a week later with dinner, drinks and dancing.   They spent a weekend skiing together and he introduced […]

Don’t Worry: Everyone Goes Through the Job Search Blues

I recently received a few different messages from job seekers who were feeling beat down by the job seeking process. One told me, “It’s 11:00 a.m. and I’m still in my pajamas.  I’m having a hard time finding any energy to send out another resume.” Another said, “I’m stuck!  I’m usually a positive, energetic person, […]

Job Interview Techniques: Bridging Statements

Let’s face it:  the job search process seems a little silly. Your resume is supposed to spell out your years of experience, expertise and accomplishments using a dozen-or-so short, bulleted synopsis with the hope that someone ‘gets you’ and sees that your background, above everyone else, is the right fit for the position. Now, saying […]

Job seeking is hard: here’s a few strategies to keep you on track

Let it be said. Job seeking is difficult. It’s easy to be overwhelmed with feelings of despair and frustration. It’s a constant challenge to not second guess yourself and maintain your confidence when your thoughts are hijacked by those self-loathing voices that creep into your head from time-to-time. As a job seeker, you need to […]

101 Motivational Quotes to Inspire Your 2017 Job Seeking Journey

I love motiviational quotes and a couple of years ago an author from Inc. Magazine compiled these wonderful quotes from a variety of inspirational sources. As you begin your job-seeking/career journey in 2017, I think you’ll find great wisdom in these inspirational words. “Walk away from anything or anyone who takes away from your joy. […]

What exactly are ‘Transferable Skills?’

For anyone looking for a new job there’s a buzz phrase about identifying your ‘transferable skills.’  But what does that really mean? Does it mean that if you worked at Burger King you are now qualified to be a chef at the Ritz Carlton?  Not really.  But, there’s probably some things you did at Burger King […]

New to the job search? Read this.

One of the top New Year’s resolutions is to find a new job. For many professionals, they haven’t had to look for a job in a long time.  Their career may have progressed through promotions, they may have been recruited or through just plain old fashioned networking. What I hear from a lot of professionals […]

Get Ready for the DBJ’s Book of Lists

Get ready job seekers!   In your job search, knowledge is power, and there’s no better place to get up-to-date business knowledge than the Denver Business Journal annual Book of Lists.  This is the week that the newly published 2016 Book of Lists will be delivered to subscribers. Whether your are a full time job seeker or […]

Welcome to the New and Improved AH Jobs List!

Welcome to the new and improved Andrew Hudson’s Jobs List! For close to 18 years I’ve been posting jobs from throughout Colorado to help connect job seekers and employers.  With the launch of the new AH Jobs List platform, I’m taking job hunting to a whole new level!  The new and improved AH Jobs List […]

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