Here’s something that might seem strange coming from a guy who is promoting his Internet job board: 

Get off the Internet!

Job boards in particular can be an addictive crutch and offer you too much false hope in your job search.  Endlessly sending off resumes to random job postings that look good might seem like a good strategy, I mean SOMEONE has got respond eventually, right?

But if you find yourself halfway through the day, sitting in your pajamas sending off resume after resume….well….let’s just say it’s not the best way to find a job.

As a general rule, job boards should only be about 25% of your job search time and they should be used to prospect for the right opportunities: identifying positions that match your qualifications that give you a good shot of getting an interview and a job offer.

So here’s a challenge to help get you balance your reliance of job boards and the Internet in general:

Spend two days this week completely off websites like job boards, Facebook or LinkedIN. 

Instead, spend 2 solid days of cold-calling prospective employers. Schedule face-to-face coffee meeting, drop-bys and lunches. Connect with former bosses, colleagues, friends, neighbors….anyone who might have a line to a job. 

And then, be prepared! Make an ask, or several asks: Do you have a job? Can you refer me to someone? Will you introduce me to your HR Director? Can I send you my resume? Will you forward my resume?  Will you give me 5 contacts in your network to call? 

Difficult? Awkard?  Probably.   It’s not in everyone’s comfort zone to be that direct, but, what have you got to lose?  You are the salesperson for YOURSELF and you are a product in the job seeking marketplace.  Be bold, confident, and courageous in your job search.  You’ve earned your value and don’t be afraid to let others know what you have to offer!

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