The Lost Golf Ball: Searching for a Job often means looking in the most obvious place

A few years ago, I was out playing golf with my buddy Matt Sugar, the only person on this planet I can actually beat in golf. I was sitting a the tee of a particularly challenging hole.  I looked down the fairway, tried my best to aim and prayed to hit it hard and long. […]

Labor Day 2010: For many Americans, their full time job is LOOKING for a job

Labor Day in the year 2010 is rich with irony.  As we head into the labor day weekend,  new unemployment statistics show that unemployment has risen to 9.6%.   It is important to recognize that on Labor Day 2010, for many Americans their full time job is looking for a new job. Due to the glut […]

The post-interview follow-up….don’t be a job seeker stalker!

Dear Job Doctor: Thankfully I have had quite a few interviews but have had less success hearing back from companies after I interview with them. Aside from writing or emailing a thank you note, do you think it is inappropriate to email them and let them know I’m still interested in the position? I try […]

Older job seekers: challenges and issues – advantages and opportunities

Older job seekers face unique challenges and issues but also have tremendous advantages and opportunities. Many older job seekers have left the work force in upper mid-senior level positions and with it, the higher salaries and benefits that come with those positions. The fact is that there are fewer mid-senior level management positions available and […]

Quit sabotaging your job search with self-defeating stinking thinking!

Let’s get one thing straight:  it is tough to be a job seeker right now. It seems that for every one position, there’s hundreds of qualified candidates.  You put your heart and soul into your resumes and cover letters and never hear back, or worse, you make it to the interview stage and never hear […]

Some of the worst resume blunders ever

Most of these are funny, but some of them are just plain ‘ol sad. Thanks to my friend Sandra Laws for passing these on! * Objective: Seeking a party-time position with room for advancement * Professional headline: 1 year old marketing executive * Achievement: Planned new corporate facility at $3M over budget. * Explanation of […]

Job Doctor: One recruiter’s five-step plan for job seekers to get noticed

Dear Job Doctor: I’ve sent my resume in response to dozens of job postings but am not getting calls back.  What am I doing wrong? Going Bonkers in Denver Dear GBID: This is a very common problem – probably the biggest frustration I hear from job seekers. What are things that will get your resume noticed […]

Best tips for interviews? A little research goes a long way.

I recently received an email from an employer who had posted a mid-level public relations position on I would encourage every job seeker to read this and take the advice to heart. “I interviewed some qualified candidates in the past couple of months…but could NOT believe the number of people (mid-level) that were completely […]

The Job Doctor: How to turn job seeking anxiety into job seeking motivation

If you have a question for the Job Doctor, email us at Dear Job Doctor: I was laid off over 3 months ago from a job I’ve had for over 8 years.  I feel I’ve overcome the shock, anger and frustration, but have had trouble getting motivated.  I’m plagued with anxiety and every day, […]

Job Doctor – Curing the Insecure Resume Disorder (IRD)

Need help diagnosing a job seeking problem?.  If you have a question for the Job Doctor, email us at Dear Job Doctor: I’ve been applying for a lot of jobs and am concerned that my resume is not very good.  What do you recommend? – Concerned in Bonnie Brae Dear CBB: You have a […]

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