Frontier Airline’s Front-Line CEO

Working at Frontier Airlines several years ago, I was delivering a presentation on the Frontier branding campaign to a travel conference in Breckenridge. At one point, I talked about how our CEO required the senior executive team at Frontier to spend time at Denver International Airport on a regular basis assisting with passenger check-in, cleaning […]

“How do you feel about a monkey in the office?” The worst job interview questions ever

Today’s  job seekers try to prepare for everything. They diligently research the background of companies to try to match their specific talents, experiences and expertise with what is required in the job posting.  They spend long hours customizing their resumes and cover letters.   They have incredible patience and perseverance, waiting by the phone and willing […]

My kind of job: golfing and twittering around the globe

Social media employment is getting more and more interesting and has really developed into a niche of its own. Check out the job description below for Social Media Catalyst from Adidas Golf Wear. I don’t know about you, but when one of  the job responsibilities includes the phrase “playing golf in some of the world’s […]

Everything I ever learned about hard work, I learned working in a restaurant

When I was doing a lot of hiring at previous jobs, one question that I would always ask potential employees was, “Did you ever work in a restaurant?” From the time I was 13 to 23-years-old, I worked in a variety of restaurants and in a variety of positions and knew the type of skills […]

The office jerk explained….

This morning’s Wall Street Journal gives us a psychotherapy session as to the wide variety of office jerks and why they behave the way they do.  As expected, it all traces back to childhood trauma of one sort or another. According to the WSJ, “Amid a growing focus on workplace quality, some managers and coaches are […]

Your first contact with an employer: “Hello, I’m calling about your resume….”

Here’s some good advice from the New York Times about the importance of the first ‘screening’ interview.  Usually a phone call, a screening interview is your first chance to impress and, if handled correctly, can easily lead to a more formal sit-down interview with the employer. Here’s some more good advice: Don’t ever take the […]

The one, the only… Hire Me Resume Cake!

So, recession hurting your job search?  Having a hard time getting your foot in the door?  Unsure if your resume is having enough of an ‘impact’? Introducing, the delicious, 1,700 calorie per-slice, Hire Me Resume Cake! This bad boy will sure and highlight your qualities:  creativity, originality, hunger. After the HR department falls off the sugar buzz […]

Long-time Sprint employees catch shoplifter….and get fired?

So let me get this straight:  Two Sprint employees (one who works a side-job as a security guard and the other an off-duty volunteer fire fighter) stopped a thief at the Cherry Creek Shopping Center and their reward from Sprint?  They got FIRED!   Westword has their unbelievable story right here and you can also support these […]

Liz Ryan: Ten Boilerplate Phrases that Kill Resumes

Liz Ryan is a good friend and a fellow career consultant whose work I appreciate and respect.  She is nationally recognized and has been published and interviewed by many major national news outlets including CNN, FOX, CBS Morning News and many others.  She is also a regular contributor to Business Week. Here is a recent […]

Vote for President Obama to speak at the Denver School of Science and Technology

The Denver School of Science and Technology is in the running to have President Obama speak at their senior graduation commencement, but they need your help. Between now and Thursday at 10:00 p.m. you can vote for the DSST video.  The video with the most votes will secure President Obama to speak at their graduation […]

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