Job Seeking Routines Can Help you Achieve your Job Seeking Goal

For many professionals, changing jobs or careers is a daunting task. It takes time. There’s risk involved. There’s definitely some common rejection. And there’s a lot of unknowns that drive you crazy (Did they get my resume? Why didn’t I get the job? Will the see me as too old? Over-qualified? Asking for too much?) […]

Stuck in your job? How to avoid Career Stagnation

It is very common to get caught up in your current, day-to-day job that you can easily put the management and progression of your career on the back burner.   But think about it: your career is always a work in progress.  It is always something that requires attention in terms of learning new skills, in […]

Only YOU are Responsible for Your Happiness at Work

I remember a specific moment after college graduation (some 30 years ago) where I was floundering and really believed that other people and other things were responsible for my happiness.and success. I remember the time when I believed if only I lived somewhere else I’d be happy or if only I had another job I’d […]

The Ideal Candidate: How to Search for Clues in the Job Description

Understanding from the employer’s perspective what the ‘ideal candidate’ looks like requires searching for the secret ‘codes’ that employers embed in job postings.  It also requires digging deep and searching for clues above and beyond the obvious and well-defined job requirements.  Finding and understanding these clues then allows you to focus your efforts to specifically target […]

Job Seeker’s Challenge: Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone Through Networking

Let’s state the obvious:  job seeking is tough. But here’s something you won’t hear often from someone who makes his living posting jobs on a job board:  Online job boards give you a false sense of hope.  What I mean is that it is easy to become too reliant on job boards as your only […]

Positivity and Confidence Goes a Long Way in Job Seeking

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to go wrong? You wake up in the morning and find out your car battery is dead. It throws the whole rhythm of your day off. After the hassle of having to re-schedule an important meeting to deal with your battery, you then are […]

Yep.  You need a cover letter.

The jobs you see on are real.  Companies are actively searching for professionals to fill these positions and are anxiously awaiting resumes and cover letters to find the best candidates for these jobs. Cover letters are one of the best opportunities for you to differentiate yourself and in fact, a well written cover letter […]

Before You Write Your Resume, Do These Things First

I often get calls from job seekers who have been at the job search for a while. They are frustrated because after months of sending out resume after resume, they are still not getting any traction. There are few interviews and they don’t seem any closer to landing a job. A common misconception in job […]

Working for Stock Options: What You Need to Know

I’ve had several friends who have taken jobs with privately held startup companies where they’ve agreed to lower salaries in return for stock options they can exercise in the future (when the company has hopefully increased in value.)  If you are considering taking a job where you are offered stock options as part of your […]

The Job Interview: Preparation Leads to Job Offer

To many job seekers, the interview is the most difficult part of the job-seeking process.  In fact, it is the most crucial point in deciding whether you will be offered a job and it is extremely important that a tremendous amount of thought, research, anticipation and preparation are put into your upcoming interview. Let’s face […]

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