Job Boards:  Clicks vs Candidates/ Algorithms vs. Applicants.

Recruiting in Colorado is competitive!   In such a topsy-turvy job hiring environment, I’m hearing from more and more employers who are frustrated with job boards who try to measure recruiting success by ‘clicks’ rather than actual candidates. One recruiter shared with me: “Our recruiting budgets are small to begin with and we are expected to […]

HR Professionals:  Lots of Transferable Skills, Lots of Career Opportunities

Even HR professionals have to look for a job eventually.   Here at AH Jobs List, I am happy to have a robust listing of HR related jobs which can be found by clicking here.In my career consulting practice, I’ve also worked closely with HR professionals as they navigate their way through their job search.   Some people […]

Job Interview Techniques: Bridging Statements

Let’s face it:  the job search process seems a little silly. Your resume is supposed to spell out your years of experience, expertise and accomplishments using a dozen-or-so short, bulleted synopsis with the hope that someone ‘gets you’ and sees that your background, above everyone else, is the right fit for the position. Now, saying […]

Employers: Improve your candidate response

From time-to-time, I hear from employers who are concerned their job posting is not attracting either enough candidates or the right kind of candidates for the position. Denver’s unemployment rate has reached record lows which also presents challenges to employers trying to attract candidates for open professional positions. But it is also important to understand […]

Job Doctor: One recruiter’s five-step plan for job seekers to get noticed

Dear Job Doctor: I’ve sent my resume in response to dozens of job postings but am not getting calls back.  What am I doing wrong? Going Bonkers in Denver Dear GBID: This is a very common problem – probably the biggest frustration I hear from job seekers. What are things that will get your resume noticed […]

Six tips from successful professionals on how to manage your career

I meet regularly with people who are looking for work.  I’ve met with hundreds of professionals who are either entry level job seekers or mid-level managers who are looking to progress their careers to the next level.   I meet with senior VPs who are unsatisfied with their jobs or are looking to transition to other […]

“How do you feel about a monkey in the office?” The worst job interview questions ever

Today’s  job seekers try to prepare for everything. They diligently research the background of companies to try to match their specific talents, experiences and expertise with what is required in the job posting.  They spend long hours customizing their resumes and cover letters.   They have incredible patience and perseverance, waiting by the phone and willing […]

Everything I ever learned about hard work, I learned working in a restaurant

When I was doing a lot of hiring at previous jobs, one question that I would always ask potential employees was, “Did you ever work in a restaurant?” From the time I was 13 to 23-years-old, I worked in a variety of restaurants and in a variety of positions and knew the type of skills […]

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