What an employer is thinking: the most important job interview questions that will never be asked.

In a recent New York Times profile, a respected CEO was asked, “How do you interview job candidates?” His response? “I have two basic questions in mind: Can you do the job and would I enjoy spending time with you?” It’s a revealing statement but really not that surprising. When you are in the interview […]

Working for Stock Options: What You Need to Know

I’ve had several friends who have taken jobs with privately held startup companies where they’ve agreed to lower salaries in return for stock options they can exercise in the future (when the company has hopefully increased in value.)  If you are considering taking a job where you are offered stock options as part of your […]

Job Interview Techniques: Bridging Statements

Let’s face it:  the job search process seems a little silly. Your resume is supposed to spell out your years of experience, expertise and accomplishments using a dozen-or-so short, bulleted synopsis with the hope that someone ‘gets you’ and sees that your background, above everyone else, is the right fit for the position. Now, saying […]

So you’ve lost your Job. What do you do now?

Losing a job is a traumatic experience under any circumstance.  Losing a job creates immediate fear, anxiety and worry.  Not only because of the loss of a paycheck, but because our identities are so closely tied to what we do for a living; its WHO we are and WHAT we do! And when a person […]

Touch Points.

One of the most common strategies in successful branding is to develop a believable brand promise that creates a positive perception about a product in the eyes of the targeted audience the product seeks to influence. Through that perception, the brand will trigger a response from the targeted audience, which, if successful, will initiate a […]

What we wish we knew at graduation…10 pieces of advice to college grads

It’s college graduation season and as a result, there’s a lot of new entry-level job seekers entering the job search market right now. When I graduated from the University of Colorado in 1989, I saw the President of the University of Colorado at my graduation and walked up to him.  “President Gee,” I said.  “What’s […]

My kind of job: golfing and twittering around the globe

Social media employment is getting more and more interesting and has really developed into a niche of its own. Check out the job description below for Social Media Catalyst from Adidas Golf Wear. I don’t know about you, but when one of  the job responsibilities includes the phrase “playing golf in some of the world’s […]

Everything I ever learned about hard work, I learned working in a restaurant

When I was doing a lot of hiring at previous jobs, one question that I would always ask potential employees was, “Did you ever work in a restaurant?” From the time I was 13 to 23-years-old, I worked in a variety of restaurants and in a variety of positions and knew the type of skills […]

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