New Boss? Dealing with Disruption at Work

So. Your favorite boss was recruited to work somewhere else. Next thing you know, there’s a new Sheriff in town and you know next to nothing about this person except that they’re different and your world seems turned upside down! They do things different. Their personality is not the same. They don’t seem as approachable! […]

What an employer is thinking: the most important job interview questions that will never be asked.

In a recent New York Times profile, a respected CEO was asked, “How do you interview job candidates?” His response? “I have two basic questions in mind: Can you do the job and would I enjoy spending time with you?” It’s a revealing statement but really not that surprising. When you are in the interview […]

Job Interview Techniques: Bridging Statements

Let’s face it:  the job search process seems a little silly. Your resume is supposed to spell out your years of experience, expertise and accomplishments using a dozen-or-so short, bulleted synopsis with the hope that someone ‘gets you’ and sees that your background, above everyone else, is the right fit for the position. Now, saying […]

Keys to Reinvention: Reinvent Your Career – Transform Your Life

On November 9, AH Jobs List will be holding its quarterly seminar entitled “The Reinvent Event.”  This seminar will feature discussions on a variety of career reinvention strategies.  This event typically sells out, so make sure you register soon.   Click here to find out more information and to register. I’m an example of a […]

The Process of Career Reinvention

Stuck?  Unemployed?  Ready to follow your passion? Learn the process to transform your career: an interview with Linda Sollars Linda Sollars, is President of Creating Purpose ( and is one of Denver’s most well know job-seeking consultants. She will be leading the career reinvention seminar at next week’s AH Jobs List Reinvent Event which will […]

What we wish we knew at graduation…10 pieces of advice to college grads

It’s college graduation season and as a result, there’s a lot of new entry-level job seekers entering the job search market right now. When I graduated from the University of Colorado in 1989, I saw the President of the University of Colorado at my graduation and walked up to him.  “President Gee,” I said.  “What’s […]

Frontier Airline’s Front-Line CEO

Working at Frontier Airlines several years ago, I was delivering a presentation on the Frontier branding campaign to a travel conference in Breckenridge. At one point, I talked about how our CEO required the senior executive team at Frontier to spend time at Denver International Airport on a regular basis assisting with passenger check-in, cleaning […]

“How do you feel about a monkey in the office?” The worst job interview questions ever

Today’s  job seekers try to prepare for everything. They diligently research the background of companies to try to match their specific talents, experiences and expertise with what is required in the job posting.  They spend long hours customizing their resumes and cover letters.   They have incredible patience and perseverance, waiting by the phone and willing […]

Everything I ever learned about hard work, I learned working in a restaurant

When I was doing a lot of hiring at previous jobs, one question that I would always ask potential employees was, “Did you ever work in a restaurant?” From the time I was 13 to 23-years-old, I worked in a variety of restaurants and in a variety of positions and knew the type of skills […]

The office jerk explained….

This morning’s Wall Street Journal gives us a psychotherapy session as to the wide variety of office jerks and why they behave the way they do.  As expected, it all traces back to childhood trauma of one sort or another. According to the WSJ, “Amid a growing focus on workplace quality, some managers and coaches are […]

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