The Building Blocks of Job Seeking Success

    I’ve been working with job seekers, HR Directors and job recruiters for more than 25 years . One thing that all job seekers need to realize is this: You are a product in the marketplace of job seekers where you are competing against other products (other job seekers). You job search is an […]

Job Boards:  Clicks vs Candidates/ Algorithms vs. Applicants.

Recruiting in Colorado is competitive!   In such a topsy-turvy job hiring environment, I’m hearing from more and more employers who are frustrated with job boards who try to measure recruiting success by ‘clicks’ rather than actual candidates. One recruiter shared with me: “Our recruiting budgets are small to begin with and we are expected to […]

HR Professionals:  Lots of Transferable Skills, Lots of Career Opportunities

Even HR professionals have to look for a job eventually.   Here at AH Jobs List, I am happy to have a robust listing of HR related jobs which can be found by clicking here.In my career consulting practice, I’ve also worked closely with HR professionals as they navigate their way through their job search.   Some people […]

New Boss? Dealing with Disruption at Work

So. Your favorite boss was recruited to work somewhere else. Next thing you know, there’s a new Sheriff in town and you know next to nothing about this person except that they’re different and your world seems turned upside down! They do things different. Their personality is not the same. They don’t seem as approachable! […]

The Path to Hired:  Keys to Callbacks and Job Offers

One of the greatest job seeking frustrations is sending out resumes/cover letters and then not hearing back from the company you applied to.An important thing to understand is that company recruiters don’t have a lot of time. They are looking at resumes and communicating with job seekers all day long.  Make their lives easier and increase […]

Internships: Pathways to Careers

Internships are perhaps one of the most important ways for college students to jump start their careers. They are great introductions to the cultures, the personalities, the hierarchies and the normal politics and the pressures of everyday work life. They are also important resume builders for recent college graduates. As a matter of fact, in […]

Why It’s So Hard to Make a Living in Denver Despite Strong Economy

Westword Newspaper recently featured Andrew Hudson’s Jobs List to discuss the gap between the cost of living and the salaries being offered by employers in Colorado, the state with the lowest unemployment rate. Why It’s So Hard to Make a Living in Denver Despite Strong Economy By Michael Roberts A new survey lists Denver among […]

What You Need to Know If You’re Applying for a Job in Colorado

Westword newspaper recently featured AH Jobs List to discuss things to consider when applying for a job in Colorado. What You Need to Know If You’re Applying for a Job in Colorado By Michael Roberts FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2017 Denver is one of the best cities in the country for job seekers, and the employment […]

Colorado’s unemployment is the lowest in the nation – so how do you attract good talent?

Colorado’s low, 2.3% unemployment rate (an historical low and the lowest in the nation) is making finding talent increasingly difficult.  When recruiting for new employees, employers have one goal: find the best talent quickly and at a low cost.    How do you find good talent when all the good talent is working? On Andrew […]

How To Look For A Job While You Are Currently Employed

According to different surveys over the years, approximately 70% of visitors to Andrew Hudson’s Jobs List are currently employed. Yep….you heard that right: 7 out of 10 professionals looking for a job are currently employed. This actually makes sense. Throughout a career, most ambitious professionals are always considering the next step in their career progression. […]

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